Alliance Cup Volunteers




First –. We greatly appreciate the work that everyone does to help make our collective soccer experience a positive and enjoyable one and to make the tournament a success.

 Below is a list of job descriptions of the volunteer spots you may have signed up for.  With so many games we are in great need of field marshals. Many of you have signed up and have sent names in. If each home team can make sure they have a designated field marshal person check in with the main tent an hour before the game it would help tremendously. To make sure we have 1 or 2 field marshals at every field will help insure the safety of our players, families, coaches and referees.

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on VolunteerSpot



  • Field Marshal Responsibilities (overview)

The Field Marshal is the communication link between the Referees, Trainers, and Tournament Administration. The role is important to the safety of players and spectators during tournament play. Immediate response to injuries or potential safety concerns is one of your primary roles as a Field Marshal.  A field marshal is intended to be a visible ‘presence’ walking the fields during games to observe behavior on the fields so all tournament families will know that the tournament officials are observing behavior to ensure everyone ‘honors the game’ and follows the FYSA/USYSA Code of Conduct.  Keep teams that are not playing away from the fields while they warm up (ie. Near or behind the goal etc..) Keep other players and spectators from kicking balls onto the fields. In the worst possible case, duties might include acting as reinforcement for the referee(s) and/or alerting a trainer in case of injury. Should a parent or coach (or even player), become abusive or belligerent towards a referee, you may need to act to have that person removed from the field. This is particularly important when a youth referee is involved.  How to remove that person? Do not attempt this on your own. These are exceptional and rare circumstances. Use your cell phone to report any abusive fan or coach situations to the Site Coordinator right away. Hopefully we can identify any potential problems before they develop into bigger issues. We do not anticipate issues but it is better to be proactive and maintain a high caliber tournament. For any situation you are uncomfortable with resolving please do not hesitate to contact the Site Coordinator.   Don’t Forget- The referee is in charge of everything on the field

  • Check in Tent – Information.

Your responsibilities will be to assist the site coordinators with answering questions, checking in the volunteers, making sure we have their cell number and making sure they have the site contact info. Go over instructions etc. making sure trainers sign in and out and maintaining water, ice and drinks for referees etc.

  • Score board – (Champions Gate Only)

Running the scoreboards for all 6 fields. This will need to be done all 11v11 games at Champions Gate.

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on VolunteerSpot

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