FKK has been awarded a "Players First Licensed Club" by US Club as one of the first pioneering clubs. Through a rigorous application process, these 46 clubs have all proven their commitment to providing a holistic club soccer experience for parents and players, which emphasizes the development of each individual to his or her full potential, and helps parents make better choices about where their children should play.
Our club was chosen on the following criteria:
Club Development: Soccer clubs are the foundation on which American soccer will maximize growth and long-term success on the field. Players First provides an array of resources to aid in the growth and development of clubs.
- Coaching Development: Clubs should encourage their coaches to continually seek out new educational opportunities, and Players First provides resources to help coaches to grow.
- Player Development: Players First provides tools to clubs and coaches to encourage their players to individually invest in their own development.
- Parent Engagement and Education: Players First provides a framework for parents to understand how to value their child’s soccer experience, replacing the reliance on match outcomes, which has served to hinder proper player development methodology.
- Player Health and Safety: Players First provides resources to help clubs and coaches better ensure the health and safety of their players. US Club Soccer believes Player Health & Safety is its first and foremost responsibility to members.