Financial Aid
- Submit 1 for each player in a family
- The financial aid application can be found on Playmetrics in the Club Programs area
- All applications must be submitted electronically and a separate application must be submitted for each player.
- You will not receive any award information until you have registered and paid the mandatory deposit of $200.00
Fill out the application below and upload the OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT for the tax year 2024/25. Instructions on how to get your official transcript are below. Please do not upload your tax form 1040.
You will apply in PlayMetrics after you pay your deposit.
What You Need To Request Your Transcript Online:
- Your SSN
- Date of birth
- Filing status and mailing address from latest tax return
- Access to your email account,
- Your personal account number from a credit card, mortgage, home equity loan, home equity line of credit or car loan
- A mobile phone with your name on the account
Sibling Discount
- The discount is 10% off of the youngest player.
- This is applied to the lowest program cost, not the youngest player.
Player Insurance & Claims
This will help you navigate how to file an insurance claim in the event of injury. Parents must file the initial claim with each affiliation.
Claims page for US Club:
Claims page for FYSA:
FKK Contacts
Kristi Oettl koettl@floridakrazekrush.com
Lisa Marcus lmarcus@floridakrazekrush.com
FKK Office Phone: 407-542-4939