WeGotSoccer announces partnership with Florida Kraze Krush


Photo taken at WeGotSoccer Corporate Headquarters in Foxboro, MA. Picture Left to Right: Michael O’Connor (President of WeGotSoccer) Sean Bubb (Executive Director of FESA), Chris Neeley (Creeks Soccer Academy) Steven Mail (JYS), Hue Menzies (Florida Kraze Krush)
Photo taken at WeGotSoccer Corporate
Headquarters in Foxboro, MA.
Picture Left to Right: Michael O’Connor (President of WeGotSoccer)
Sean Bubb (Executive Director of FESA), Chris Neeley (Creeks Soccer Academy)
Steven Mail (JYS), Hue Menzies (Florida Kraze Krush)

WeGotSoccer is proud to announce a 6 year partnership as the official uniform and equipment provider for the Florida Kraze Krush Soccer Club.

FKK has partnered with the Florida Elite Soccer Academy, which is the product of two of the largest groups in North Florida – The Creeks Soccer Association and the Jacksonville Youth Soccer Club coming together to form what is now the largest soccer club in the state of Florida. Executive Director Hue Menzies explains, “This long term partnership shows our commitment to Nike, WGS and FESA, where we want to make a huge impact in Florida, the region and the country on and o ff the field.”

FESA Executive director Sean Bubb who was brought in from Texas where he guided the Lonestar soccer club to national prominence has set his sights on the North Florida market; “Our vision is to not only be the biggest but also the best club in the state of Florida and the merger of these two well established groups along with an expanded collaboration with the Florida Kraze Krush organization out of Orlando immediately makes us the largest club in the state of Florida. The hard work now begins to elevate the standard for all of our families both on and o ff the field as we build the Florida Elite brand.”

Michael O’Connor, President of WeGotSoccer stated; “The opportunity to partner with the Florida Kraze Krush presents a wonderful opportunity for us to expand our brand in central Florida. Our hope is to bring the FKK membership an exceptional customer experience around the purchase of not only their FKK gear, but all their soccer needs. We are excited to be a partner on the ground level of such a meaningful merger in the Florida soccer marketplace.”

The partnership will begin in June of 2015.

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